

CFX Essentials is organized into two tracks to help church teams plan and organize your time.  As an attendee, you are free to attend any session to create the experience that best meets your needs.

Whenever possible, we advise churches to attend as a team in order to maximize the impact and potential to implement what is learned at a CFX event.  

Hybrid Worship Production & Engagement

Learn how to plan, communicate and execute in-person and hybrid worship experiences that increase reach and engagement with your congregation and beyond.


  • Tech and Production Directors
  • Worship and Creative Ministry Leaders
  • Staff and Volunteer Members of Tech and Production Teams
  • Communications Teams
  • Pastors and Executive Pastors

By attending you will learn the essential strategies and skills your church needs to serve your mission in the following areas:

  • How to create a live stream people want to watch
  • Developing a compelling onscreen look
  • Troubleshooting tips for livestreaming 
  • Camera & lighting strategies and techniques 
  • Audio practices for hybrid worship
  • Tech upgrade master planning
  • How to increase engagement during a live stream
  • Using your tech to create space for worship
  • Service planning tips for hybrid worship experiences
  • Creative ministry ideas for deeper engagement
  • How to get a web visitor to attend church in person
  • Maximizing your current resources to share Christ online 

And More!

Facility Design, Use, and Safety

Discover how to plan, approach, and implement upgrades and safety procedures, as well as facility management in your church.


  • Pastors and Executive Pastors
  • Facility Directors and Teams
  • Administrators
  • Safety and Security Teams
  • Elder and Committee Members

By attending you will learn and gain important skills in these critical aspects of your current and future facilities:

  • How to develop safety procedures & plans 
  • What to know about de-escalation training
  • Active shooter security education
  • How to develop a maintenance & repair plan and budget  
  • Facility cleaning and energy management practices and procedures
  • Design concepts for worship and maximum engagement
  • When to build new, purchase or remodel your existing space
  • How to create and manage your budget for a building upgrade or new construction project
  • Creating ways to use your facilities for community engagement and revenue generation  
  • Envisioning and implementing funding campaigns 

And More!